Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Christian Tours

As I research great places to go at great prices, I usually come across some pretty cool events as well.
I wanted to know about tours that mainly focused on Bible history. I ultimately found the perfect site. A blog called Christian World Travel. On their blog, the author spoke about the very popular, Oberammergau Passion Play which is only performed once a decade, so planning a trip for 2010 would be a good idea if you want to attend this special event in the Bavarian Alps.
You can set up a group travel there or join one of theirs. They offer a wide selection of tours that incorporates the play, with tours to Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic or they'll help you set up your own custom group tour.
This was a great find since it was exactly what I was seeking.
What a great blog!

1 comment:

immanuel-tours said...

My wife and I just came back from a christian tour to Israel..We walked the path of Christ and visited all those sites we read about every day :) Highly recommended

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